Monday, August 23, 2004


It's Sunday afternoon here in Grahamstown. I have just been doing some archery. I
am completely new to the sport and I had a blast. Something strangely appealing about the ability to shot projectiles very fast over very large distances. My left pectoral muscle is frikkin' sore tho. I think I might like it all the same (the sport that is). Once again though, its like only the most expensive passtime ever. An arrow costs R400.00 (40 - 50 $ U.S.) !!!!!!! ONE ARROW !!!!!!!!! Damn. Speaking of injuries, I also hit myself in the kidney last nite while I was waitering (don't ask). It was quite sore for a while and I thought I might be in a bit of trouble, but its feeling ok now. Well, that's all from me for now. Will be working late tonight (If I can get my act together).


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