Monday, August 23, 2004

Hello all. Was at lectures the whole morning. Thought I had a practical this afternoon and was preparing to die but was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was postponed. This afforded me an opportunity to get some work done which was great. I have been working on a class diary that we have been told to do and I am only 2 days behind. Some poor sods haven't even started yet !!! (Shame). That means that by the end of this week they will have a good 40 or so pages to write. I however still have to write my reserach (otherwise known as research) project up. Still haven't gone to P.E. When will we??? Its getting late folks. May have to work tomorrow (waitering) but that's cool. I pulled in some nice tom last time, so hopefully will do so again next time. Have had a hair cut (*sniff*). Was wanting to grow my hair but have a job interview and restaurant not keen on guys having long hair. Silly rule (this is 2004 ppl !!!). NEway. Also found out there's no lecture tomorrow, so can work on research and other stuff the whole day (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I know, I know: I have no life do I ?? Well shot!! I don't care what you say. Doing research is fun.


Blogger RoG said...

You're a legend dude. Keep it up

September 1, 2004 at 10:55 AM  

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