Same thing we do everyday Pinky: Try to take over the world!!
I also no longer live and work on campus because I now have a P.C. in my room at home.
My plans for world domination are, as always, coming along nicely!!
As you may have realised from the previous statement, I have finally bought my very own P.C. Yay !!!!!!! I promptly went onto the Quiksilver website and downloaded practically every desktop available. There are some kiff shots of Kelly, Mar Ohno and some new young whipper - snapper Jimmy Rotherham who I have never heard of before.
I tried plying some information about our young friend Jimmy out of my "walking surf - culture database" mate, Glenn Harpur. I swear, the guy knows more about surf culture and surfing than anyone alive!!! He's also pretty hot in the water and I've seen the furry little hobbit bust a move or two in his time. Even he hadn't heard of this young upstart. I must investigate.... Jimmy looks pretty damn good though, and he has what looks like a good, fluid, attack which is necessary if you want your surfing to look aesthetically pleasing. Hmmm, reminds me of myself when I was younger.
Anyway, after that short dissertation on the technicalities of wave - riding, back to other more important things. Went swimming this morning for *Shock and Horror* the first time this week. What !? It was cold ok?? Let him who has not sinned cast the first stone. Grahamstown gets so cold at times that I would suggest that anyone wanting to study here should first go and live at the South Pole in a tent with no sleeping bags, blankets or heat - emitting devices for a week and then you might just be able to survive here. Well it was cold, so I decided to chill and live to fight another day rather than get sick.
Contrary to what the passage above might suggest, I am on a "fitness drive" (I've been swimming, cycling and playing squash) because I realise that taking over the world is going to require some level of physical fitness and besides, a healthy body is a healthy mind !!!! (I'm rambling again aren't I? I think it may be the after - effects of the temporary state of oxygen deprivation that I experienced this morning while swimming - my breathing was all wrong you see) I need a healthy mind for my thesis. Which is beginning to drag a little.
Swot week is almost upon us. It starts next week Monday. HELP!!! The year has gone by so damn quickly!! I finished off an 18 pg. practical report this morning and I have an essay to do for the 2nd of Nov. plus that T - word. It's also my brother's birthday tomorrow (23 Oct). He is turning 28, so spare the man a thought will you? If you can, please would you SMS him at
(094) 479 5238 5179. It's double the price of a normal SMS, but you can afford that can't you?Just tell him you're one of my homeys and wish him a happy Birthday. Shot.
Anyway Must go now - I have breakfast to eat, coffee to drink and an essay to write.
Auf Weidersehen!!!