Monday, October 04, 2004

Faster: The acceleration of just about everything

Hi. After not posting for a while, I feel the need for an excuse. Well, believe it or not, I've been working. NO! you say?? Yes, Working say I.

Ja, in truth, its been a heavy two weeks going back and forth to P.E. but that's over now and I have (or am in the process of) capturing the data that we've got and cleaning it (it's very dirty I cab assure you).

So here are the updates:

Digs is falling apart. There are some ppl that are keeping secrets from everyone else and other people that don't dig those some people very much. Personally, I've never been a fan of politics and I try my best to keep out of everyone else's business. Only thing is, because I'm neutral*, I get both side's version of the events.

*Maybe "neutral" is a slight over - exaggeration, because I do lean more to one side's point of view, but since said someone (the secret keeper) hasn't done anything bad to me - in fact, been downright nice to me, I see no reason to be angry with that person.

NEway, so there it is. I once heard a saying: "It's tough on the top and worse at the bottom". Well, let me tell you, being in the middle ain't no picnic either bru! I'm trying desparately to keep everyone at a civil level of relating (at least) in order to avoid atomic warfare of a magnitude never before experienced by mankind. Believe me, this situation has the propensity to get quite ugly.

K, on a lighter note: I'm swimming again. I kinda need to go early in the morning though, because if I don't, there's always the chance that someone in one of the res's might have a harpoon which would be disastrous because due to my alarming likeness to a whale they would be very tempted to try and harpoon me. Could you imagine the carnage?? The slaughter would be very great!! I can see the headlines now:

"Boy killed by harpoon in University swimming pool: Murderer claims case of mistaken identity".

In fact, it's actually gotten to a stage now where Greenpeace don't even try to tow me back out to sea when I'm surfing anymore, because they know that the whale is the sleeker - looking, more streamlined fish swimming next to me. My belly button arrives home fifteen minutes before I do!!! I have my own area code!! Hopefully the swimming will help me to lose weight tho.

Had the dodgiest meditationy/ frikkin' airey - fairey - new age - nonsense practical this weekend. How they could teach this stuff to University students (let alone Honours students) and how people could actually believe the (no adequate adjectives available here - but the feeling I get is one of wanting to vomit) that these people sprout. They produce more manure than an entire heard of cattle. Shame.

Neway, maybe I'll tell you about that next time.


Blogger RoG said...

Eish! Sounds scary (A single digs on the brink of thermonuclear warfare, not your overstated whale-like proportions).

I have a sneaky feeling I might know one of the individuals involved. Hmmm. Well my advice to you my Christian brother is simply this. Grace and forgiveness. Oh yes, truth in love too. WWJD. It's still a relevant idea.

October 11, 2004 at 9:50 AM  

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