Monday, November 01, 2004


This is a rare moment, so savour it ok? It's not every day that I get to post anymore. Well, what's been happening in my life?

Not a whole lot really. Swot week (or should I say dead quiet week) has started. I tried summarising some of my notes today and will carry on when I go home, but I have to finish off an essay for tomorrow. When that's done, I will have finished all my course work. YAY!!
Don't really know where to start because we have the whole year's work to learn. It's a lot - trust me. It's quite scary to think that I am going to have to put that all in my brain!!

Thesis nearly done: on page thirty of forty, so I can see the finish line.
I had my project presentation on Friday evening. We had to present the results of our work to the rest of the class. Ours was a huge success. We put together a video with movie clips adnd all sorts. There was a huge crowd watching including Clinical Master's students whom we never actually see - these guys are like the kings of the Psych Dept. everyone wants to be like them kinda thing. No, actually, everyone wants to be like me, but ja. Anyway, we were all dressed up in tuxedos (to get into the gambling vibe) and I made only one or two mistakes in my part. The others also did extremely well. Everyone was blown away by the presentation and the use of media. Andre will be pleased to know that we used a Coldplay song.

On a terrible note, I'm missing Shaun and Linds' wedding. Unfortunately I have an exam on that day, so that sucks.

All the digsmates are obsessively watching reruns of "friends"on Gareth's computer. We are all leaving soon, and I think that "Friends" captures the spirit of what we have become as a family. We have a "Ross" (Ryan), a "Chandler" (Gareth), a "Joey" (Me - it's the food thing), a "Monica" (K.C.), a "Rachel" (Cal) and a "Phoebie" (Charmaine). Sorry Charms, but you suggested it!!

I think we all know the time when we are going to have to pack up and leave is coming soon and I think that Friends at this time captures that nostalgia of the good old days quite adequately. Ok, so we're all very, very sad, strange people !! So What ?? We have feelings too you know! We have had numerous comments from visitors that we are quickly becoming pathological. I can understand why they think this: I mean I might have thought the same thing if every time I came to visit, the whole digs was gathered on Gareth's single bed, eyes completely glued to (maybe not completely) the computer monitor. What I mean is, while we are all watching, we still all have a very strong sense of being together as a family (well at least I do). But you will not understand until you've been in such a group. We seriously love each other.

OK, enough sloppy sentamentalism for one day. Pull yourself together man!!! Aw, I just can;t help it! I'm going to miss my family !!

OK, must go. wasted enough time!!